Thursday, May 4, 2017

JR. High Dance (A short story)

There she stood at the far end of the gym
Red dress 
A blue shash around her waist tied in a bow in the back
Blond hair in a ponytail
The biggest and brightest blues eyes
Foacused on me

I stood at the entrance
Black slacks
Black dress shoes
White dress shirt
An awkward jr. high student
Nervous to

Our eys met
We crossed the floor to each other
Then stepped on to the dance floor

She glided along the floor
Like gravity could not touch her
I on the other hand
She did not seem to notice
Nor seem to care

We danced a little
Had refreshments
Sat on the bleachers and talked a little

After the dance
We held hands and walked to the front of the school
Where our parents were waiting

We hugged once more
said we'd see each other in class on Monday
Then departed to our parent's cars

And went home

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