Monday, May 1, 2017

Graves (A Nort the newt story)

One day Nora the newt came over to visit her son Nort the newt.  Sally the salamander had been visiting and all three of them sat and talked for a while.  Then Nora suggested that they go for a walk since it was such a nice day.  So all three of them went for a walk, and what a nice day it was.  Nora asked Nort "Could we visit the people who adopted you?  I would like to thank them for taking care of my son when I could not."  Nort said that would not happen.  "Why" Nora asked.  "Shortly after I left there to start a life of my own,  A forest fire took their home and sadly them with it."  They walked on in silence for a while, then Sally stated that they were coming upon the gravesite.  So the three of them step off the path and entered the graveyard.  Upon entering they started looking for the stones then they found them "Ned and Nancy Newt, Gone but not forgotten."  Nora knelt down and said a prayer "Thank you for taking care of my son when I could not."  After that Nora got up and together the three of them started looking at the other graves.  Looking around Nora stated" So many of my old friends now gone."  The three of them left the graveyard and started back to Nort's place.

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock