Monday, May 1, 2017

The Disembodied Hand part 1 (a short story)

It lays upon the floor under a pile of book.  knife stuck through it's back.  In a pool of blood it rests.  The chaos is over, the foe is defeated, though it's crimes are many.  Though just a hand, a hand without a body.  It was a murdering beast.  Killing anyone and everyone it chose.  The stories are many, for this hand was very old.
          One such story involved a cop.  The hand snuck up behind him, grabbed his gun.  The cop turned around just in time to be shot in the leg.  After the cop fell, the hand put another bullet in his head.  More cops arrived some firing at the hand, some starring in disbelief in what they were seeing.  There was a shoot out.  The hand shot until the gun was empty (taking a few cops down), them ran away to kill once more.
          Another case, the hand snuck up on a man, walked between his legs and punched him in the groin.  Then grabbing a nearby baseball bat started and beat the man to death.
          The hand attacked women to.  Many of these victims end up with slit necks.   There is one case where the hand snuck up behind a woman and punched her in the back of the neck.  She blacked out and fell over,  What happened next I will spare you the details, but when the cops found her the next day.  She had a slash mark on her neck.
          These are just a few of the stories.  Related to this disembodied hand.  There are many, many more where these come from.

          The hand made one mistake though, and it cost it everything.  The hand had snuck into a house, intending to kill a child who was busy watching tv.  The child saw the hand from the corner of it's eye and screamed.  Mom (who was in the kitchen) ran out to the living room.  She saw the hand approaching her child.  Mom ran back into the kitchen and grabbed the butcher knife.  When she returned to the living room, she saw her child hiding behind the couch.  The hand turned around and started rushing for the mother.  Mom raised the knife, but dropped it when the hand lept up and punch her in the chest, knocking the wind out of her.  Seeing that mom was down and that the hand had picked up the knife, ready to make the kill.  The child grabbed a lamp and threw it at the hand.  It worked, the hand was knocked away and the knife was flung way.  The child ran for the knife, but the hand was quicker.  The mother just recovering picks up an old golf club that was laying nearby, and struck the hand sending it flying into a bookcase, books falling on top of the hand.  The mom picks up the knife off the floor and moves toward the hand.  The hand lays stunned but still tries to free itself from the weight of the books, but it is to late.  Mom approaches with the knife and jams it through the back of the hand.  The hand twitches then lays flat.  It was over, the beast was dead.  or so they thought.  

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