Monday, May 1, 2017

Judging Others (A Nort the newt story)

Nort was walking through the woods one day, when he overheard somebody yelling.  Nort came up to the fellow and asked him what was wrong.  The other said"My name is Robby the Rabbit, and I just got swindled by Stan the snake.  I hate snakes they are nothing but lying, cheating, belly crawling verman."  Nort replied" Hey Robby, I understand that you are upset, but you shouldn't judge a whole group based upon the actions of a few."  Robby nodded.  Nort then added "Take the wolf pack, I do not like what they do when they come up from the low lands.  However they are just a small group within the whole wolf community.  I can't judge them all, or I would miss all the good and helpful wolves there are."  Robby asked if Nort knew any good snakes.  Nort replied" I have not had the pleasure of meeting any, However I am sure that there are some."  Robby said" alright you've made your point, let me know if you find any good snakes, I would like to meet them."  Robby then walked off still a little upset, but hopefully not being so quick to judge.  Nort continued on his walk.

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock