Thursday, May 11, 2017


After a day of hiking
I set up camp and light a fire
As I do I begin to sing praises to God
As the fire begins to kindle
I begin to sway
To the rythem God has place in
My heart
My soul
My entire being
As the flames grow bigger
I start to dance
I dance joyfully
I dance fully
Dancing around the campfire
Just letting myself go
Letting the rythem take me
Letting my feet go as they will
The bigger the flames get
The more profound and intense
The rythem
The joy
The shear pleasure of just being at one with myself
At one with praising God
At one with the Holy Spirit
The bigger the flames get
The more profound and intense
My emotions
My joy
The faster I dance
The more energy I pour out
I dance for the joy of dancing
I dance and sing God’s praises
Later the fire burns out
The coals get cold
I continue to dance
For the fire now burns in
My soul
My spirit
The very core of who I am

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