Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Balance (A Nort the Newt Story)

Hi, Nort the newt here.  I want to tell you a story, I was doing some work for a friend one time and their little boy came out and asked me a question.  The boy Asked " Nort, people say that there are no grey areas in life, that you must choose one side or the other.  There is no middle ground.  What do you think?"  I thought about it a moment then said"  The question of the light or the dark side is one that has gone around since time out of mind (who knows who first asked the question), but this is what I think.  One can not be completely good it is just against our nature.  The thing is to find that sweet balance between our good side and our bad side." 
          Then I said" Let me tell you a story that might help.  Two animals are fighting each other while a great teacher is watching.  One of the animals strikes a heavy blow upon his opponent, causing him to fall to the ground.  The teacher then says" Good, finish him"  Seeing if the one who struck the blow would lash out and bring an end to the others life.  The one who struck the blow looked at his teacher and said" No, I refuse to be a killer."  The teacher claps his hands and says" Well down my student, you tapped into your darkside and defeated your opponent, but you did not use that dark side to finish him off.  You have found true balance in your skills, mind, and emotions, use that knowlrdge wisely." 

          After the story I asked" Does that help answer your question.  The boy said" I think so, If I got it right the story states that it is alright to have a dark side, as long as we do not go to far with it."  I said" Correct, I'm glad I could help."  By this time I noticed that mom and dad were watching with smiles on their faces.  Mom said" That was a good story Nort, With a good massage" I shrugged and said" I try, I don't claim to be a wiseman. I'm just a newt." Then the dad looked around and said" Nice work Nort." I responded"Thank you, that's me Nort the handynewt.  I have a few things to finish up, the I will be done." After I got done with my work.  I said goodbye and left.

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