Monday, May 1, 2017

Sally' Family (A Nort the newt story)

Nora the newt and Sally the salamander met for lunch one day.  Nora asked about Sally's family.  Sally answered"  My dad was in the military and fought in the great forest war.  After the war he had trouble leaving the war behind him.  Little by little his mind started slipping.  Finally mom put him in a Hospital for military vets suffering from PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).  My mom took care of me and my little brother Steve the best she could.  She loved to cook, so she tried her hand at having a cooking show.  The show was called "Cooking With Susan".  When my brother and I got older we started helping out on the show any way we could.  The show was very popular, but after a while the show started taking it's toll on mom, or so we thought. 
          Mom went to see her doctor turns out she had cancer and it was progressing fast.  While my mom got treatment I took over the show.  After telling the crowd why my mom was no longer on it, I changed the name to" Cooking with Sally".  It became popular but not as much as my mom's show.  My brother Steve who also liked cooking cooked on the show many times.  After each taping of the show I would go check up on mom.  The day that I got the news is still fresh in my mind.  After taping one of the shows, I went to go see mom only to have a doctor tell me she was gone.  Heartbroken, I went home. 
          Steve took over the show which is now called "Cooking with Steve"  The show has helped pay bills, God Bless my mother's Idea to start that thing.  So that was a plus.  At mom's funeral is the only time I think I have seen my brother cry since we were little.  Always the emotional strong one he was.  Steve still carries on the show.  I show up from time to time and cook with him.  Nort has even joined us on the show, though he is not fond of being in front of a camera.  Steve and I talk often, mostly through e-mails and text.  He has a girlfriend, Her name is Samantha, I have met her she seems nice." 

          After Sally finished Nora said" I thought I reconized you from somewhere.  I am a HUGE fan of the show all of them." Sally responded" Thank you, I will tell Steve that."

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock