Monday, May 1, 2017

Mom (A Nort the newt story)

One day Nort the Newt was doing chores around his home, When he heard a voice calling him.  He turned around and saw an older female newt standing by the fence.  The lady asked " Do you know anyone around here named Nort?"  "My name is Nort."  Nort said.  The woman looked at him for a moment while in her mind she thought could this be, after such a long time looking, could this really be my long lost son."  The woman said "My name is Nora the Newt, I am looking for my son whom I put up for adoption when he was still an infant."  Nort said"I was adopted when I was young, because my mother had left me at a place for orphans."  Nort's mind was also wheeling with the idea that this could be his real mother, but also being careful that this might also be a con.  Nora asked if they could talk.   Nort agreed, and brought her into his home. 
          After Nora was seated, Nort saw Sally the Salamander approaching, so he told Nora to hold on a second he would be right back.  Outside he met Sally and told her." There is this older woman in my house claiming to be my long lost mother."  Sally was stunned but stated" Nort your mother put you up for adoption when you were young, Why would she be looking for you know?"  "She says her name is Nora, and that she is looking for a son she had put up for adoption many years ago.  Anyways would you join us and help me straighten this out?"  Sally said she would.  Inside Nort introduced to two ladies.  Nort asked the first question" Mom, Why did you put me up for adoption?"  Nora said" When you were born I was really messed up doing mushrooms, weed, that sort of stuff.  You deserved better and since your father had disappeared, I did the only thing that I could think of."  "What happened to my father?"  Nort asked  "Who knows, ran off with another woman, got trapped in a lab somewhere.  I really don't know, just woke up one morning and he was gone."  Nara said
          They talked and chatted for awhile, and puzzle pieces seemed to fit together in Nort's mind about this woman named Norra.  After awhile Nora said she had to leave, but would come back and visit soon.  After Nora left Nort asked Sally what she thought.  Sally said" She seemed like the real deal to me, she may really be your long lost mother, but I would still advise you to be careful, and if at all possible have me here with you when she visits."  Nort agreed"  It would be nice to know my true mother, but you are right I do need to be careful at least until we find out for sure that she is my mother." 

          The three of them met many times together after that, Always having a wonderful time.  Even if Norra wasn't truly Nort's mother, She became a part of the family.

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock