Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Machine

The Machine is growing
The machine is strong

What is the machine you ask
The machine is anyone or anything
That tries to strip us from who we are
Who we are as a people
Who we are as indaviduals
Who we are as the Human race

The machine is emotionless
The mechine is cold
Wanting all in perfect order
Wanting all to fall in line
To think as one
To move as one
To be stripped of our very core of being

The machine demands order
Anyone who does not comply is shot
The mechine demands loyalty
Anyone who does not comply is shot

Stripped of who we are
Moving like robots and cyborgs
All for the collective
The individual is lost

There is hope
There is light
Within the dim coldness
There are those who dare to defy
There are those who stand against the machine
They know they are fighting a loosing battle
They fight anyway

They fight for individuality
They fight for free thinking
The fight to free those already taken captive
They fight to not become captives themselves
They fight for the human race

The machine hunts these rebels down
One by one
They are destroyed

Still the rebels fight

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