Friday, January 4, 2019


Stars at night
Shine so bright
Just like gems


Her hair
Her smile
Her touch
Things I remember

Her energy
Her passion for life
Her loving heart
Things I remember

On that day
Your life was taken away
It broke my heart

Cancer stole you from me
Life is such a bitch sometimes

Your strong spirit
Your drive to excell
Your soul
Just beautiful you

Day By Day

Day by day
I walk in a way
to let people know I haven’t strayed

Day by day
I face strife
The wounds cut like a knife
The Lord will save my life

Day by day
I walk life’s road
Feeling the heavy load
With the Lord I stroll

Day by day
I make my way
Upon this Earthen clay
The Lord shows me the way


Rewards us with

Live Life

We are born into life not death, so learn to live it
Spend every moment of everyday doing something
Waste no time, live life while life is worth living

Life's to short

Why go around in a bad mood all the time
Life's to short
Why spread hatred, slander, and lies
Life's to short

Life is short
So live it while you can

Life’s Ugly Side

In the fold where
Life can go astray
In the mold where
One can make their day
Life can get down right ugly

Life is full of sorrow and pain
Life can get pretty insane
Life is just one thing after another

Life is full of heartache and hurt
Life can drag you through the dirt
It all might come together
It all might come unraveled
Upon life’s travels

Life’s Treasures

Life is like a treasure hunt
You have to go through a lot
Of mud and dirt
Before you find the gold

Sometimes a lot of research
However if you stay
On track and work hard
You will find the gold

My Lady

You are my lady
You are my love
You are the one
Who helps me hang on

My love runs fluid
My love runs true
All my love I give to you

Lovely young girl

Lovely young girl
Very spirited


Lonely no more
One heart one soul
Very comforting
Emotional bliss

I Love You Lord

Lord you know I love you
You know I’ll always be true
Please show me mercy
For the wrongs I’ve done to you

Lord please forgive my temper
I don’t mean a word I say
I’m just sore and angry
I need to find your way

Lord please help this sinful man
Help him through the darkness
Help him see the light
Help him bring your mercy
Into sight


Lord and savior
God and King
I love you more each day
Your mercies are amazing
Your blessings are outstanding

I pray for the world around me
The darkness
The sin
The hurt
The pain
Please heal the broken
Please comfort the hurting
Shine your light for all to see
May that light
be a beacon
To guide those in the dark to you

Use me in whatever way you see fit
Melt me
Mould me
Shape me
Into a useful tool
So that others may see you in me

I know I am a sinful man
I know I need your forgiveness
I know you can use me
Despite my flaws

In your Holy name
I pray all this
I know you have heard me

Thank you
For listening


I cry to
You forgiveness
Forgive my sins please
Place me upon your path
Guide my feet so I wont stray
Melt me and mold me to your will
Prepare me for your perpose in my life
Lord all trhis I pray in your Holy name


Sing out
Let it flow
From your soul and
Into the ears of
The world around
Be heard lift
Your voice

The Balloon

Balloon blowing in the wind
Where are you going
Where have you been
What stories can you to tell
What sights have you seen
Has the journey been nice to you
Or has the journey been mean

The Deed

That look in your eyes
That smile on your face
You're up to something

What have you done
Or what are you planning
You can't lie
That look on your face
Says it all

You're holding a seacret
What is on your mind
What is the plot

You can run
You can't hide
I will find you
You will confess
You will tell

That smile
Your silence
Both driving me crazy
Confess your deed
Tell me now

Open your mind

Open your mind
Don't close it
Let it fill with new possibilties
New adventures
New joys
A new way of looking upon life

Open your mind
Don't close it
To all the
Flavors and spices
That make up life
Life is exciting
Life is a blast
As long as yoan open mind
As long as you are willing to try something new
As long as you think outside the box


With my sweat life is born
All my
Are the building blocks of life

With my tears life is renewed
All my
Life is fought many times over
Each time makes me a better person

With my thoughts life exists
All my
With every thought within my head
From my mouth
Life has it’s existence

With my love life has passion
All the love of
My heart
My soul
The very truth of who I am
Life has passion
For I am passionate about life


Be honest
With yourself
And others

Many ( Holy Teaching )

Who sees the many and not the one, wonders from death to death.  Even by the mind this truth is to be learned.  there are not many, but just the one.  Who sees variety and not unity wonders from death to death.  As water rainning on a mountain top runs on all sides. so is the man who sees veriety in all things runs after them on all sides.  As pure water running on pure water are one and the same.

God made us all different from one another, which is a good thing (How boring life would be if we were all the same.)  The problem comes when you start looking at those different aspects more than each other.  When we start judging and dragging each other down according to these aspects.
We are all part of the human race.  We need to work together to make things better.  We need to stop fighting with each other.  Yes we are different, yet we are all the same.

Path ( Holy Teaching )

The only way that leads to the end of pain and suffering
Is to enter the right path
And the relization of God
To come to true relization of God
One should also think of these.

The Body- We our all our own person
With our own way of doing things
Some dance during worship
Some remain seated
Some sing out loud
While others sing softly
Still some can’t sing at all
Some write poetry
Some write essays
Some just write what is on their hearts to write
I could go on and on with examples
We are all members of the body of Christ
In union with believers all over the world
We need to stop fighting over petty differences
Combine our talents (Whatever they may be)
Bringing people to fellowship
with one another in the name of Jesus Christ.

The mind- When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior
We should turn our minds away from the things of this wold
Turn them toward his Holiness
For the things of this world will not last
God’s kingdom will.

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...