Friday, January 4, 2019

Many ( Holy Teaching )

Who sees the many and not the one, wonders from death to death.  Even by the mind this truth is to be learned.  there are not many, but just the one.  Who sees variety and not unity wonders from death to death.  As water rainning on a mountain top runs on all sides. so is the man who sees veriety in all things runs after them on all sides.  As pure water running on pure water are one and the same.

God made us all different from one another, which is a good thing (How boring life would be if we were all the same.)  The problem comes when you start looking at those different aspects more than each other.  When we start judging and dragging each other down according to these aspects.
We are all part of the human race.  We need to work together to make things better.  We need to stop fighting with each other.  Yes we are different, yet we are all the same.

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