Friday, January 4, 2019

Path ( Holy Teaching )

The only way that leads to the end of pain and suffering
Is to enter the right path
And the relization of God
To come to true relization of God
One should also think of these.

The Body- We our all our own person
With our own way of doing things
Some dance during worship
Some remain seated
Some sing out loud
While others sing softly
Still some can’t sing at all
Some write poetry
Some write essays
Some just write what is on their hearts to write
I could go on and on with examples
We are all members of the body of Christ
In union with believers all over the world
We need to stop fighting over petty differences
Combine our talents (Whatever they may be)
Bringing people to fellowship
with one another in the name of Jesus Christ.

The mind- When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior
We should turn our minds away from the things of this wold
Turn them toward his Holiness
For the things of this world will not last
God’s kingdom will.

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