Thursday, January 3, 2019

Lost (holy teaching)

Proverbs 26 vs 25 & 26= When he speaketh fair , believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart. Whose hatred is covered by deceit,  his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation.= It is not hard to know today we are living in the last days, many have got in their emotions and have lost their way through deception, having itching ears giving way to their emotions instead of the fruits. A message is no purer than the source it comes from, yet many have lost their way and have been deceived. Men and women of God are to stand on the principles of God not getting entangled with the world by getting emotionally involved. The bible says many shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits because their ears are already positioned to want to believe what is being said. The devil always draws out a picture to back the words that he sends out through people that are working for his kingdom. Those that are not spiritually kept, are pulled in through their pride number one, the messenger is saying all the things they want to hear and then takes bits and pieces of truth and mixes it with lies to deceive you because you are no longer walking in your spiritual eyes , you have become fleshly and tied to the world. Many fail to see today that the national news networks are a tool of the enemy, they have a agenda and sadly enough the church is eating it up whole heartily and failing to see who the messenger is. They fail to see the party that is being used by Satan because of things that have been instilled in them through lies and deception as they were brought up. therefore their ears are already itching. Let me help you see what you have been missing, abortion is not of God, homosexuality is not of God, Men who don`t work should not eat if they are healthy enough to help themselves. Setting houses up to remove fathers is not of God. Teaching children in classrooms having sex with anything and everything is not of God. These same news stations you are getting your information are owned and run by gays in most cases yet you eat it up whole hook , line and sinker. I pray the eyes of your understanding become open. Forget parties and check the fruits, you have been hood winked. The one that is calling others racist is racist, the one that is telling you the other is sowing hatred is sowing division and hatred yet you eat it up, Lord help us.

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