Thursday, January 3, 2019

Law and faith (holy teaching )

The Books of Romans and Galatians tell a lot about the difference between obeying the law and faith in Jesus Christ. Ever since Adam and Eve sinned against God by eating the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3), all people ultimately sin against God. (Romans 5)
       Afterwards, God gave the Israelites his commandments through Moses (Exodus). These commandments became known as the law of God.
     The purpose of the law was NOT to tell us how to live, because in reality the Jewish people never obeyed  God's law entirely. Rather one Jew obeyed God's law entirely. And that Jew is Jesus Christ.
        God made his Son, Jesus, of the Jewish ethnic group. Jesus is fully God and fully man.
       Jesus Christ obeyed God's  law entirely. Then he died on the cross and rose again to atone (cover) our sins.
      When we make Jesus our Lord, the Spirit of Jesus lives inside us and makes us holy to God.
      The Spirit of Jesus (a.k.a. The Holy Spirit) gives us power to live a holy life. In this way, we satisfy the demands of God's Law by placing our faith in Jesus Christ.
      May God bless you my beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

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