Thursday, January 3, 2019

Cart (holy teaching)

God is the cart.  Jesus is the wheels.  As Jesus's followers we are the spokes of that wheel.  The Hole Spirit is the axle the connects the wheel to the cart.  The cart moves forward when everything works together.   If one peice of the cart falls apart, the cart becomes useless.
We are all members of the body of Christ.  It doesn't matter what denomination you attend.  It doesn't matter your gender.  It doesn't matter the color of your skin.   It doesn't matter how old or young  you are.  We are all important to God,  and we all have a part to play in his ministry.   As members of the body of Christ,  welcome need to work together,  not fight with each other.  We need to spread God's message to the world around, to those who need to hear it.

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